Meet the APR team – Nils Sabelström

Jan 17, 2023 | Meet the APR team, News | 0 comments

Within our concept “Meet the APR team”, APR Technologies employees get to share their experiences, knowledge and trend research within their field of work.
Here you get to meet Nils Sabelström, Research and Development Engineer!

Tell us a little about yourself and your background.
– I work as a Research and Development Engineer here at APR Technologies. I have a PhD in metallurgy from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, where I studied heating mechanisms during microwave steel smelting. I previously worked at Sony Interactive Entertainment in Tokyo, where I was responsible for designing a silent cooling system for the Playstation 5 game console.

What is your field and role at APR Technologies?
– My main tasks are to theoretically calculate what is required to fulfill thermal needs, and then make CAD drawings for our products. I also build some prototypes in our workshop using a CNC mill and other tools. I am also involved in contact with customers and suppliers.

– In one project, I managed the entire technical work chain from calculations, CAD, simulation and manufacturing to a working prototype, test system and validation. It is a lot of fun to work at this type of flexible company where you really get a chance to use and improve your skills – and room to develop your technical competence.

What are the trends in your area right now, and what developments are likely to be seen in the coming years?
– Many of our customers have a constantly increasing need to cool chips, with ever-increasing heat generation, which naturally involves thermal challenges. In many cases, cooling systems also need to be vibration-free, have a long service life and be able to handle large temperature ranges. As this need increases over the coming years, I strongly believe that APR’s technology, originally developed for space, will revolutionize the way cooling systems are designed.

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